A World of Vibration

Sound Healing & Sound Baths

Are you suffering from anxiety,  lack of ability to concentrate or focus, feeling overwhelmed and stressed out? Sound healing is an incredible modality to help with these issues and clients usually feel the results after the first couple sessions.

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Andrew shares his deep knowledge and experience of music from both sides of the world in combination with his passion of Himalayan Singing Bowls, Sound & Vibration, Tuning Forks, Yoga, Qigong, Breathwork, and Meditation as a holistic offering of inspiring music, penetrating sounds, and powerful vibrations which supports, inspires, and heals.  

Andrew offers his sound healing in a variety of modalities, from Group Sound Baths, to Individual Sound sessions, Workshops, and Clinics. Please read more about the different modalities and instruments below.

Purchase your first Tuning Forks


If you are interested in purchasing Tuning Forks for your own Sound Healing practices, please click on the images/button above or below, to visit the store of BioSonics to browse their wide array of sound healing tools. I will earn a small affiliate fee from any purchase you make with this link. Thank you for your support!


Group Sound Baths can start as low as $10-20 per person (depending on group size and venue space).

Private sound baths range between at $50-200.

Private Therapy Sessions start at $80-250.

If you are in need of financial assistance, please contact me…we’ll find a way to make it work! 

Contact Andrew to book a session.

What is a Sound Bath?

A sound bath is an experiential and immersive journey through sound and vibration.  As we open and allow ourselves to be more sensitive to the subtle vibrations and waves of sound, we offer ourselves the opportunity for an inward journey of deep relaxation, rejuvenation, transformation and healing.

While lying on a yoga mat or mattress on the floor, we start by finding the most comfortable position, sometimes with the aid of bolsters, pillows or yoga blocks. By connecting with our breath, we begin to relax our physical bodies, and become more grounded and connected to the Earth.  As we let go of our daily worries and patterns of tension within the body, our mind is given the chance to slow down and relax.  From this place of inner stillness the sound bath begins….

You may hear the musical notes of drone, a ringing bell, an ancient bowl, or wind spoke flute. You may sense the vibrations from distant realms of the sound spectrum. You may connect with your Prana, Qi, or Inner energy and experience the patterns they follow throughout your being. All of these experiences are helping to harmonise yourself with the beauty of Nature, Space and the Universe.

Sound Bath Sessions

If you are interested in experiencing a Sound Bath, I am currently offering a monthly Sound Bath at Octopus Garden Yoga Centre, every second Wednesday of the month from 7:30-8:30pm. You have to register on their site or through their app

You can also contact us as we can arrange private sessions depending on our schedule, travel arrangements, and other factors.

Sound Healing

Sound healing has been used throughout the world in many different forms for hundreds if not thousands of years.  In today’s world, we are continually barraged by intense and unnatural sounds, many of which leave residual tension in our bodies and minds. By using various forms of music that reflect more simple, stable, and harmonious structures, we are able to use them in a healing and therapeutic manner.

Andrew offers Sound Healing in the form of Individual Sessions, Group Sound Baths, Indian Classical Music, Improvised Creative Music, Music & Drum Circles, Chanting Sessions, and through Nad Yoga’s Integrated Sonic Yoga practices. If you are interested in any attending any of these sessions, please visit our calendar to see our upcoming sessions. If you are interested in hosting or offering any of these sessions for yourself, your friends, family or colleagues, please contact Andrew.

The Instruments

The Himalayan Singing Bowls are a unique and powerful instrument for sonic transformation. They not only emit sounds, but they also transfer vibrations and can control different forms of energy. Solar Harmonic Tuning Forks are specially designed for Human Tuning therapy and help restore balance and peace in the nervous system. Other instruments that may be used in a Sound Bath are the Indian stringed droned instrument used in Indian Classical music called the Tanpuri, Ocean Drum, Rain Sticks, Shakers, Bells & Whistles, Flutes, and other percussion sounds. The instruments used in a sound bath are chosen according to the intuition of the Sound Healer with regards to the moment and the people involved.